WPC: Optimistic

I dug in the archives for this photo challenge. While we are freezing our tushies off, it’s a great time for some optimism and smiles. Because I am always taking pictures of everything that catches my eye I had quite a few to chose from. I hope these make you giggle as much as theyContinue reading “WPC: Optimistic”

Walkabout Wednesday 

Coe and I got out for a walk this morning after a storm last night. Tree branches now littering our path are the only signs something happened last night. I wish I could see the pond at this hour to see how much it got filled. Down here, people talk about any rain in inches.Continue reading “Walkabout Wednesday “

Flangiprop Friday

This has been a short week for some of us. In case you missed it, Monday was Columbus Day. Short weeks almost feel longer than a regular five day work week. There has been some resistance to the happiness project at work. I do not understand why these folks would rather grump and be miserableContinue reading “Flangiprop Friday”

Hello lovely…

It’s hard to have a bad day when this is the beauty that greets you and guides you in to work.   Sitting in traffic made tolerable when I get to watch the sun rise.  I’ve tried several times to capture the glorious-ness of it, but sadly the iphone just isn’t worthy.      Continue reading “Hello lovely…”

My Happiness Campaign

My office is the most dismal, dreadful cube farm of depression and disinterest. Some days it’s down right difficult to make myself walk through the doors. Not too long ago, I took it upon myself to put up positive quotes on wipe boards around the office. Something struck me today, and I’ve decided I’m goingContinue reading “My Happiness Campaign”

I’m on a roller coaster

I’ve started half a dozen posts. Each one tells a different story and has a different emotional bent. My emotions and thoughts about this move have changed every 15 minutes. One minute I’m sobbing uncontrollably, the next I’m laughing, and the next I’m bored. I’ve been ready for a change for awhile and I knowContinue reading “I’m on a roller coaster”

Where has time gone?

While I have been working non-stop the last few months, I have managed to find time to have some fun, bake a few yummies, drink a few (several) cocktails, and eat some fabulous grub.  I’ve been making notes and have the starts for several blog posts. I have taken a few days off work to…Continue reading “Where has time gone?”

home again, home again…

I am so far behind… I’ve got pictures and projects to post galore I sit and stare at a computer until I’m bored I’ve started a dozen posts before I can finish, I’m toast My brain has turned to mush My work is turning me into a lush How I miss my Lula Harp timeContinue reading “home again, home again…”

Thank Goodness…

Oh Happy Friday!! I’ve been sitting in a classroom for 4 weeks being talked at. You may recall my work rant awhile back that I didn’t get xyz at work. The Rolling Stones had it right. You get what you need and not necessarily what you want (clearly paraphrasing). It’s hard to see that sometimesContinue reading “Thank Goodness…”