it’s a new day

It’s almost like a birthday.  I started this blog as a creative outlet, a place to store recipes, collaborate, and conspire with other creative folks.  Oh the people I’ve met and the places I’ve seen since coming here have been wonderful.  I’ve made some incredible friends.  The friends here inspire me to take better photos,Continue reading “it’s a new day”

Heaps o’ praise

I spent Sunday morning sitting in my big chair, sipping coffee, surfing the web, reading blogs, and cleaning out my inbox. I’m sure you’ve noticed, I’ve been writing more lately. I love my friends who send texts and emails to reply to my blog posts. They’ve been quite complimentary (she blushes).  Additionally, I have foundContinue reading “Heaps o’ praise”

Dear Memphis Drivers

I want you to know one thing. You SUCK! You think that’s it’s normal to cut across three lanes to make a right turn. I’m fairly certain you have no idea your vehicle comes equipped with blinkers. Everyday I get on the road with you, I fear for my life. The first three months IContinue reading “Dear Memphis Drivers”

What’s in a word 

This post has been rolling around in my brain for a bit and it is finally coming to fruition in response to a comment I got last week. How much power do we give to words? We let them make our day, they make us smile or laugh, some make us cry, and some evenContinue reading “What’s in a word “

Always a student

To say I was a poor student when I was in school, would be an understatement. I’m certain now I had ADD. I was bored. I wasn’t interested in anything they were teaching. I couldn’t focus on any goal despite all the prizes and bribes my parents offered. When my mother was here recently, weContinue reading “Always a student”

around the world and back again

I was in such a hurry to leave the south all those years ago.  I almost forgot why.  When I came back, I thought I was coming to a city with some character and culture, and not just another small town like the one I left behind. The palates here are unrefined.  The vision is narrow.Continue reading “around the world and back again”