the language we speak…

This morning is the first day I’ve woken up feeling moderately human. I actually woke at 7:12am saying is it monday? is it monday? OMG I’m going to be late. As it turns out, it is sunday; but when you’ve been off work for a week, trapped at home, and hopped up on drugs, youContinue reading “the language we speak…”

girls just wanna have FUN

I’m so honored… You like me.  You really like me. I’m having so much fun since I’ve gotten off my duff and gotten back to the blog.  As I mentioned before, I’ve been meeting the loveliest and funniest folks. One of which is @whereshappy.  She, like me, is a forty-something, messy-haired girl that thinks weContinue reading “girls just wanna have FUN”

Our Community

I know I’ve gone on long enough about how much I miss my community in Portland. Slowly but surely, I’m building a new community in Memphis.  Additionally, I’m building a community online. I’ve written before about the community I’ve connected with on WordPress. As part of my rejuvenation of myself and my blog, I amContinue reading “Our Community”

Weekly Photo Challenge: Community

This week’s photo challenge is community.  I have hosted loads of community dinners and do all sorts of things in my community, so this was a fun challenge for me. As I was flipping through files of pictures looking for a photograph that summed up community, I had several that fit the bill.  The oneContinue reading “Weekly Photo Challenge: Community”

the kindness of strangers

I’m a pretty genial gal.  My step-mom always says I’ve never met a stranger.  I’ll agree with that statement.  And generally, I can find the upside to anything. Wednesday, as a whole, was quite good.  There was a brief hiccup that threw me for such a loop, after maybe 2 minutes of talking to thisContinue reading “the kindness of strangers”

lents farmer’s market bounty

This past weekend was Portland’s annual naked bike ride.  I’m not telling you this to regale you with stories of my bare ass racing through town.  I tell you this because I had to leave my car at the distillery because after dinner with friends we couldn’t make it back over there.  All roads wereContinue reading “lents farmer’s market bounty”

Brunch for the Cure

I love it when good food and doing good collide.  April’s community dinner got pushed because there was just too much going on.  May’s community dinner was Sunday morning in the form of Brunch for the Cure. The last few years Pat, Christa and I have walked for the American Cancer Society Making Strides AgainstContinue reading “Brunch for the Cure”

We Rebuilt Together

This past Saturday was Rebuilding Together. One Saturday a year, all across the country and across Portland, we are doing home repair for low income elderly and disabled. I’ve told you about my baking endeavors to prepare for this day (more here and here), but what I didn’t tell you about were the countless hoursContinue reading “We Rebuilt Together”

a big time in the old town

My neighborhood has a bit of a bad reputation. The lingering moniker is Felony Flats.  I think it has out grown that.  The city has put a lot of money into rebuilding and rejuvenating neighborhoods all over town, including mine, Lents. I live just 2 block from a great city park. It has baseball fields,Continue reading “a big time in the old town”