festering pile of…

We all have those days and occasionally we have those weeks. I’m going to over share here for a moment. I am a woman of a certain age and I am starting to experience some changes…. The most unpleasant change I’ve been experiencing is that I have been getting headaches during my period. Not theContinue reading “festering pile of…”

She’s not in the city anymore…

I miss my time on the train to write and read. I have driven more miles in the last year than I have driven in the last five! Cities and communities in the south are not laid out to be walker friendly. You drive everywhere! One of the biggest indicators I’m not in a city-cityContinue reading “She’s not in the city anymore…”

Happiness in bloom

I’ve barely had a moment to sit still and write the last week. My happiness campaign is in full swing and I’ve worn my fingers to the bone. I’m the head of our annual fundraising committee. They’ve been doing the same events year after year after year… Yawn. Last year I suggested a snack cart,Continue reading “Happiness in bloom”

Where has time gone?

While I have been working non-stop the last few months, I have managed to find time to have some fun, bake a few yummies, drink a few (several) cocktails, and eat some fabulous grub.  I’ve been making notes and have the starts for several blog posts. I have taken a few days off work to…Continue reading “Where has time gone?”

workplace win

I am a drone in an invisible sea of drones.  I’m perfectly happy being invisible and getting my work done and being left alone to do it.  Evidently I do something right because people come to me and ask me how to do xyz or abc.  I find that pretty flattering, but also a littleContinue reading “workplace win”