That’s using your noodle

I know I’ve talked ad nauseum about the roller coaster of the past year and a half. I’m almost tired of hearing myself talk about it. But the more I get this detritus out of my head the more I heal and the healthier I am. The past three weeks I have felt better thanContinue reading “That’s using your noodle”

I find it hard to get back on the blog after vacation and the subsequent cold that followed.  The cold was a small price to pay for an amazing vacation.  A week in New Orleans eating ourselves silly and watching lots of football.  We have a running list of restaurants we want to hit.  JustContinue reading

dear dining diary

Dear Diary, It’s me Lula…  I feel I need to balance all the pork and bacon I talk about with how I really eat during the week.  I have a fairly firm weekday dining plan.  I don’t call it a diet.  I eat real food in moderation.  Truth be told I eat all day.  ButContinue reading “dear dining diary”

Salt Roast Pork

Thanks to PBS, Jose Andres, and A Moveable Feast repeat during pledge week I’m able to bring you today’s post.  If you are a regular visitor here, I think by now it’s clear I love pork in just about any form (though, not a huge fan of ham).  When I saw a repeat of A MoveableContinue reading “Salt Roast Pork”

mobile monday

After a long weekend I got up at the ass-crack ‘o dawn to take Vivian to the doctor.  Before you begin to fret, she’ll be fine.  An oil change and a few new belts and she’ll be as good as new.  btw, Vivian is my beloved Jetta. After dropping her off I hoofed it toContinue reading “mobile monday”

Burrito Bowls

Canned beans are so passe.  I don’t know where the great fear of dried beans came from, but it’s over-rated.  In my journey of culinary exploration I’ve been playing with different recipes, different beans and different methods.  So far my favorite has been pinto beans from Cooking Dude. As you will learn if you continueContinue reading “Burrito Bowls”