Thirsty Thursday goes Tiki

I hosted Happy Hour at home on Thursday for a bunch of ladies.   The evening was so much fun it has been decided this will be a yearly event, if not more often.  I had originally scheduled it during a bitter cold snap, but the day turned out so warm and lovely, we hadContinue reading “Thirsty Thursday goes Tiki”

WPC: Time (for a party)

It time for Mardi Gras, Memphis style.  I got invited to a LSU alumni Mardi Gras ball and boy did we laissez les bon temps rouler. I made a large wine bottle full of the original Pat O’Brien’s Hurricane cocktail.  There was none left at the end of the evening.  My band of merry revelers alsoContinue reading “WPC: Time (for a party)”

let me count the ways…

I love my girlfriends. and our Thursday evenings of giggle and clink have become a great source of motivation and relaxation for me. Motivation… I’m having folks over, I’d better tidy up. Really. that is the secret to my housekeeping. If I have folks over I have a reason to clean. If I stay homeContinue reading “let me count the ways…”


I just have to say… what the FUCK happened yesterday??  Really…  I don’t get that cosmic crap, retrograde whatnot (sorry CM).  but thursday was one of those days where I really question the universe. Myself and 3 other girlfriends had supremely crap-tacular days.  All completely random and not connected in the slightest, but horrible, IContinue reading “TGIF”