Toast Tuesday: New Orleans style Barbeque Shrimp

When I was a kid, my favorite foods were mac and cheese and shrimp scampi. The first time I was served scampi with the heads on, I didn’t eat shrimp for a year. I was a little horrified Fast forward a few years and a trip to New Orleans. We went to Pascal Manale’s, homeContinue reading “Toast Tuesday: New Orleans style Barbeque Shrimp”

my green girl angst in a disposable city

I hate to say there are a few un-green things I have embraced being back in the south. One of which is a styrofoam cup. The goal here is to have ice last as long as possible. In the winter, building are over heated.  In the summer, outdoors is over heated. I need ice yearContinue reading “my green girl angst in a disposable city”

all roads lead to… pizza

I’ve been trying to be so good lately.  I know after yesterday’s absinthe binder it’s hard to believe this.  But really, I’ve been having lots of smoothies, lots of fruit and veggies, and almost no refined sugar.  I don’t miss the sugar.  I enjoy the smoothies and I love fruits and veggies.  If I livedContinue reading “all roads lead to… pizza”

Toast Tuesday: Chili Pepper Beer

In honor of Valentine’s Day, this week’s beverage in The Year of Drinking Adventurously, is chili pepper beer. Per the norm in Memphis, it’s like I am asking for the Pope at a convention of Rabbis. We have one bar in town with a larger than average selection and I figured this was my bestContinue reading “Toast Tuesday: Chili Pepper Beer”

That’s using your noodle

I know I’ve talked ad nauseum about the roller coaster of the past year and a half. I’m almost tired of hearing myself talk about it. But the more I get this detritus out of my head the more I heal and the healthier I am. The past three weeks I have felt better thanContinue reading “That’s using your noodle”

ladies who lunch

While I was off work for summer vacation, I hosted the work ladies for lunch.  I spent weeks sifting through recipes trying to find just the right ones.  I knew what I wanted, but the menu had not fully solidified in my mind. I wanted something like my mother’s antipasto, but wanted it in theContinue reading “ladies who lunch”

for the love of pumpkin

While I could easily eat a Costco size pumpkin pie by myself on a daily basis, I would soon be the size of Costco.  So, in an ever evolving desire to be healthy and enjoy the pumpkin pie I love so much, I have been working as much pumpkin into my diet as humanly possible.Continue reading “for the love of pumpkin”

Soup for the soul

There are days where nothing makes us feel better than comfort food.  Rich, warm, fatty, decadent, savory or sweet.  We all have that thing that takes us to a warm, safe place.  My mother never made meatloaf and mashed potatoes, but I love it so.  I also don’t recall her making lasagna.  She did teachContinue reading “Soup for the soul”

FEAST on fresh, homemade pasta

I finally hit a wall and went into work on Saturday to say I was taking (most of) Sunday off.  Just knowing I was going to have a day free to do whatever was a big relief.  Saturdays at the distillery, the girls and I have gotten in the habit of closing up shop andContinue reading “FEAST on fresh, homemade pasta”