
By day, I am a boring pencil pusher who teaches boring stuff. So for fun I love to share the knowledge I learn in my artistic endeavors.

I teach monthly at The Workhouse Arts Center. Register on their website for these classes.

Acrylic Paint Pouring

I’ve played with acrylic paints off and on for years. In this class, we will discuss the different types of paints, pouring mediums, and how to pour in patterns. Each student will go home with two painted canvases.

How to Make Kimchi

Kimchi is a staple in Korean cooking. It is generally spicy fermented vegetables and cabbage. In this workshop, I will teach you how I make a simple countertop kimchi. Everyone will go home with a few jars that will be ready in a couple of weeks.

How to Make Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented tea that is purported to aid in digestion, help achy joints, and solve all that ails you. I cannot make any guarantees, but I can help you not spend $5 a bottle at the grocery store. Kombucha is easy to make. Best of all you get to customize it to the flavors you like best.

Herbal Infusions

Many of us spend much time and money lovingly tending gardens all summer long. Cared for, and harvested just right, we can coax our herbs into bountiful production all season long. In this workshop, I’ll show you easy ways to make tinctures and infusions to carry the flavors of summer into the cold dark winter.