breakfast pizza for brunch

My love of pizza is no secret.  I eat pizza for dinner and often cold the next day for breakfast or lunch.  So, while perusing the King Arthur blog, I came across breakfast pizza. I decide to make it for our Brunch for the Cure.  We are always our own worst critics, so I do hope someContinue reading “breakfast pizza for brunch”

it’s not a banana peel

I can’t promise this will be my last post on the awesomeness of pizza, but what I can say with just about 98% certainty, is that I will not make pizza in the oven again. I can’t believe it has taken me this long to put my pizza stone on the grill.  But it finallyContinue reading “it’s not a banana peel”

I’m in Heaven…

My quest for pizza perfection is no secret.  Tonight was a giant leap toward that goal.  I’m going to apologize now, this is a long one.  I mentioned awhile back having checked out Peter Reinhart’s American Pie and his quest for the perfect pizza. My perfect pizza is a super thin crispy crust with a extra browned (pre-char) pizza topping.Continue reading “I’m in Heaven…”

another freaking pizza?!

I think by now you know I have a special affinity for my pizza.  I’m always looking for new toppings and trying out various flour mixes. Today’s was a bit of a kitchen sink experiment.  With my baking bender of late, I’ve accumulated a few flours that needed to be finished off. Today’s recipe was, asContinue reading “another freaking pizza?!”

dining diaries and the daily toil

Oh how the time between good meals seems to fly.  As you may have noticed, I like to eat.  Really, the only reason I exercise is so I can eat more cheese, drink more wine and eat more cheese. I have 2 jobs.  I’ve had 2 jobs for a long time.  One for money andContinue reading “dining diaries and the daily toil”

mmmm pizza

I love pizza.  I really wasn’t planning on being gluttonous and having it 3 nights in a row! But when I got the call to pick up Vivian (she’s doing much better, thanks for asking) I realized my timing for beans and rice was shot. Just so happens, this morning I found a recipe forContinue reading “mmmm pizza”