Wet Whet Thursday

Our local Metal Museum does a monthly happy hour with music, beverages, and a food truck. Tonight was a luau to end the summer. With hurricane Gordon working its way through the southern states, we’ve been watching the radars closely. We had a backup plan if the rain hit earlier in the day, but whenContinue reading “Wet Whet Thursday”

Cider Saturday

Spent a wonderful few hours at Long Road Cider enjoying a tasting and lunch.  Cider has been one of my favorite beverages and upon moving to Memphis was so sad to find there wasn’t any real cider and that most folks here had no idea what hard cider was.  Long Road opened in the lastContinue reading “Cider Saturday”

The stories this place could tell…

I was just on my way to the botanic garden and made a wrong turn. I found some creepy old abandoned apartment. It looks like it may have been at school at one point. I have enough sense to not stick around creepy places like this in Memphis, but I’d love to get some folksContinue reading “The stories this place could tell…”

She’s not in the city anymore…

I miss my time on the train to write and read. I have driven more miles in the last year than I have driven in the last five! Cities and communities in the south are not laid out to be walker friendly. You drive everywhere! One of the biggest indicators I’m not in a city-cityContinue reading “She’s not in the city anymore…”

A leisurely morning

I’m doing something today I don’t I too often. I’m sitting in Starbucks watching the world go by.   I was a buckaroo (that’s starbonics for an employee) for about five years. This was truly the most fun job I’ve ever had. Every time I put on that green apron, I felt like an actorContinue reading “A leisurely morning”