A face in the crowd

I try to keep up with various photo challenges and projects to keep the creative juices flowing.  I fall behind and lose track, but thankfully I follow enough other photobloggers that I keep moderately informed.  Thanks to Living the Q Life, I have a photo for the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge.  I’m also cheating andContinue reading “A face in the crowd”

variations on a theme

I’ve spent a better part of this rainy day playing with photo apps and photos. When going through photos, and not just today, I am reminded that I am drawn to the same subjects again and again. The wordpress weekly photo challenge for the week is variations on a theme.   With all these similar photos,Continue reading “variations on a theme”

structure in snow

Fingers crossed today is the last of the really-really bad weather for us.  It should get above freezing tomorrow and as long as the sun is out, the ice will melt.  We will be left with a muddy, mushy mess, but there is always a price for beauty. My internet wanderings the last few days,Continue reading “structure in snow”

Growth is good

This weeks photo challenge is to document growth. Personal growth, new plant growth, overgrowth… How to show growth when we are in an arctic freeze?!. Spring most often brings new plant growth. At the new year we do a lot of personal growth, or at least we say we are. Here’s to growing my bankContinue reading “Growth is good”

I heart winter

I really do love winter, but I am over- so over– this bitter freeze.  This afternoon it got up to 40 and you’d think it were spring.  People were wearing shorts and the park was full.  There was still ice everywhere.  I even saw a guy ice skating.  This is not normal for this partContinue reading “I heart winter”

Early-early morning

I’m not very good at being a sweet caregiver. Thus, I posted a picture of my mother with a bag of frozen peas on her nose. Coe is aging and I’m having trouble being as understanding and sympathetic as needed at times. Especially when she makes me get up at 4AM. The upside to goingContinue reading “Early-early morning”

Life in black-and-white

There’s a challenge going on all over the Internet, people challenge each other to take a black-and-white photo representing life for seven days. No people and no explanation. My friend Grace challenged me and I was so excited. I love taking pictures and looking at life through a camera lens. Taking photos in black-and-white forcesContinue reading “Life in black-and-white”

finding life’s texture…

I haven’t been writing much lately… Well, I have been writing, but nothing has made it to far as hitting submit. Most things I’ve written lately haven’t even gotten far as going back to proofread. I’ve written a lot of random ideas as they pop in my head, half thoughts, and nonsense. I’m really tryingContinue reading “finding life’s texture…”