breakfast pizza for brunch

My love of pizza is no secret.  I eat pizza for dinner and often cold the next day for breakfast or lunch.  So, while perusing the King Arthur blog, I came across breakfast pizza. I decide to make it for our Brunch for the Cure.  We are always our own worst critics, so I do hope someContinue reading “breakfast pizza for brunch”

A Sunday in review

This morning had the briefest of rocky starts. I slept like crap. For whatever reason, I couldn’t sleep Saturday night. That’s not entirely true. I fell asleep about 8pm on the couch and napped for about 20 minutes. When I went to bed, I didn’t fall asleep til about 1am. Grrrrr. So, I woke aContinue reading “A Sunday in review”

little miss muffin

We surround ourselves with people who compliment us.  Of course we aren’t going to hang out with someone who constantly tells us how fat we are or how bad we look.  The other compliment.  Their skills and traits are a good balance for our skills. I am the cook.  I am not the baker.  IContinue reading “little miss muffin”

a crustless quickie

quickie?! no porn here, unless it’s food porn 😉 Trader Joe’s used to sell these awesome crustless quiches. They made the perfect lunch. I have missed them so. Saturday I woke at my usual M-F time of 5am and was awake. So instead of laying there wishing I could go back to sleep, I gotContinue reading “a crustless quickie”

old school goes new school

Again with the bananas… Good fuel that comes wrapped in it’s own packaging, how can you go wrong?!  When Kristin and I go on our morning walks she like to kick my ass with these hills, one in particular.  She eats breakfast as soon as her eyes pop open.  I have to work my wayContinue reading “old school goes new school”

yogurt and probiotics

Here’s an over-share to start your day off right.  I’ve been having tummy troubles. Not really, I just sort of feel out of wack. So, as a result, I’ve been trying to introduce more probiotics into my diet in hopes of getting back into balance. This is the portion of the program where I tellContinue reading “yogurt and probiotics”