it’s a new day

It’s almost like a birthday.  I started this blog as a creative outlet, a place to store recipes, collaborate, and conspire with other creative folks.  Oh the people I’ve met and the places I’ve seen since coming here have been wonderful.  I’ve made some incredible friends.  The friends here inspire me to take better photos,Continue reading “it’s a new day”

Heaps o’ praise

I spent Sunday morning sitting in my big chair, sipping coffee, surfing the web, reading blogs, and cleaning out my inbox. I’m sure you’ve noticed, I’ve been writing more lately. I love my friends who send texts and emails to reply to my blog posts. They’ve been quite complimentary (she blushes).  Additionally, I have foundContinue reading “Heaps o’ praise”

What’s in a name?

I went to school with a guy named Chris Scott. That was his first name and his last name. Chris. Scott. The whole time we were in school from first grade through our senior year, I always call him Chris Scott.  In my head he was never just Chris. Finally our senior year of schoolContinue reading “What’s in a name?”

Our Community

I know I’ve gone on long enough about how much I miss my community in Portland. Slowly but surely, I’m building a new community in Memphis.  Additionally, I’m building a community online. I’ve written before about the community I’ve connected with on WordPress. As part of my rejuvenation of myself and my blog, I amContinue reading “Our Community”