Edges and lighting

I wish I could say there was edgy lighting.  Today for photo101 is edges.     Playing catch-up, here some shots playing with lighting.  I’ve been trying to get the creepy monster tree for awhile.  While I am not satisfied with how it looks, I’m getting closer.  At 5am, this tree really looks like it’sContinue reading “Edges and lighting”

It’s all in your point of view

Ginger spends her days sunning herself on a tightrope 25 feet in the air.  Now and then, she makes my heart stop when she jumps off her perch on the railing to the ledge.  In my mind, I can see her missing her landing and going all the way to the ground.  At this veryContinue reading “It’s all in your point of view”

Sleeping Monsters

This weekend for Photo 101, we were to experiment with composition.  I also played with my aperture settings.  All of these photos are unfiltered and unedited.   We had the most beautiful Sunday day and then the storms came back.  Coe is curled up under my legs hoping the thunder will stop.  Ginger Kitty isContinue reading “Sleeping Monsters”

it’s doggone lonely in here

With all the rain we’ve been having, neither Coe nor I were interested in another walk where we got soaked to the bone.  So we went to our local Lowes.  Did you know they are pet friendly?  That other big hardware store used to be, but then they got up a bug up their backside.Continue reading “it’s doggone lonely in here”

looking back at bliss

I leave for work when it’s dark.  When I get home it’s almost dark.  Tonight it is raining so hard, we are all concerned about getting washed away.  So, going out to take pictures is not high on my priority list. What does my bliss look like?! I really had to give this some thought.  IContinue reading “looking back at bliss”

all roads lead to… pizza

I’ve been trying to be so good lately.  I know after yesterday’s absinthe binder it’s hard to believe this.  But really, I’ve been having lots of smoothies, lots of fruit and veggies, and almost no refined sugar.  I don’t miss the sugar.  I enjoy the smoothies and I love fruits and veggies.  If I livedContinue reading “all roads lead to… pizza”

Toast Tuesday: Absinthe

Over the years of touring distilleries and going to distillery events, I’ve tried a lot of absinthe. I’ve hated most of them. Early in my tasting journey, I found them all distasteful, slowly I came to recognize ones I could tolerate over ones I couldn’t.  After absinthe was allowed back in the U.S., a micro-distilleryContinue reading “Toast Tuesday: Absinthe”

Home amongst the daffy-dils

Two years ago if someone had asked me what home looked like, I would have a very different answer. Since I moved to Memphis, I have met some wonderful people, but it doesn’t really feel like home. For the last year, each day has started and ended with a walk in the park with myContinue reading “Home amongst the daffy-dils”