Solo Adventures

I’m part of a fb group for women solo travelers. Most of what is posted is all about far off adventures and leaving their own continent. While that’s awesome, getting out in your own backyard can be just as fun and beneficial for the soul. This is just a few of the things I did,Continue reading “Solo Adventures”

Wet Whet Thursday

Our local Metal Museum does a monthly happy hour with music, beverages, and a food truck. Tonight was a luau to end the summer. With hurricane Gordon working its way through the southern states, we’ve been watching the radars closely. We had a backup plan if the rain hit earlier in the day, but whenContinue reading “Wet Whet Thursday”

What ya got for me?

I went for a walk this evening and had my own personal episode of Wild Kingdom.  The horses were hanging out by the fence waiting for treats. The deer were romping through the woods. I didn’t get a shot of the buffalo hanging out, but even with my phone managed to capture a dragonfly takingContinue reading “What ya got for me?”

The sounds of summer

One of the reasons I moved back to the south was to experience summer. Summer in Portland was never long enough to grow beautiful tomatoes, and until recently, was never very warm. Native Oregonian’s would say otherwise, but growing up in the south, summers with 90 degrees plus and oppressive humidity is what we’re accustomedContinue reading “The sounds of summer”