finding life’s texture…

I haven’t been writing much lately… Well, I have been writing, but nothing has made it to far as hitting submit. Most things I’ve written lately haven’t even gotten far as going back to proofread. I’ve written a lot of random ideas as they pop in my head, half thoughts, and nonsense.

I’m really trying to find some inspiration to get me to write again. Even the photo challenges lately have not been inspiring. I also think the summer heat has sapped my energy and my creativity.

One of the things that occurred to me recently is that in Portland I was in contact with all types of people during my day. It was on public transit, walks in downtown during lunch, or at the distillery on the weekends. I don’t have that kind of interaction with people here. Additionally, the type of people I’m interacting with are less varied.

Back in the spring I went to Buenos Aires and found the energy of the city so inspiring and stimulating. Almost immediately upon return to Memphis that energy was used up to maintain my sanity, peace, and equilibrium. I have known for some time that Memphis is not the city for me, but Buenos Aires confirmed that.

So, trying to get back into the swing of writing and creative endeavors, this week’s photo challenge is texture.  This tree has been speaking to me for a while.  Does it say anything special to you?

Published by Lula Harp

I'm a mad scientist trying to find my tools.

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