Eating Good AND Doing Good

Sorry but this is one of those posts that starts off with look at the fun thing I did and you didn’t 😉

This past Saturday was New Deal Distillery’s 3rd annual Season’s Eating event. We had 10 different local artisan food vendors and it was a food raiser for the Oregon Food Bank. This year topped the last in so many ways… Not only did we have more people (over 600!) but we filled 3 BINS (last year we only filled 2).

I came home with beautiful porchetta from Tails and Trotters, goat cheese from Briar Rose Creamery, yummies from Olympic Provisions, a cream cheese and candied (?!) tomato hand pie from Random Order, pickles from Unbound Pickling, Thai vinaigrette from River Wave Foods and some awesome coffee Water Ave.

But how often do you get to have so much fun doing good?! I love being such a good do-gooder. I try to do something good each month. I took a huge bag of groceries in for our food bin, but this time of year I also make sure I ALWAYS have change in my pocket so I can drop coins into the Salvation Army tins.

While December is the month that we all seem to be reminded to help others, I want you to remember to do good all year. A few of the things that I do, that are not a stretch for you to add to your daily routine, are:
Buy school supplies for your local schools (just drop them at your local school- they’ll be thrilled)
Donate pet food, cat litter or collars to your local animal shelter
Pick up trash in your neighborhood park
Prune bushes or pull ivy at a park (this would of course be in conjunction with your local park service)
Help an elderly neighbor with some simple home repairs or organization
Clean out your closet and donate professional clothes to a local charity
Buy a few $5 gift cards and hand them out to needy individuals
Take books or magazines to the local hospital
I also will buy a gift card at Starbucks and give it to the cashier with the instructions to buy drinks for the cops that come in that store

What other creative ways do you help contribute to your community? I love Cooking Spree’s idea for donating to her local food bank.

Since it is December, go get some new unwrapped toys and drop them off for Toys for Tots before it’s too late. Happy Do-Gooding!

(this, by the way, is my 50th post- yea me!)

Published by Lula Harp

I'm a mad scientist trying to find my tools.

8 thoughts on “Eating Good AND Doing Good

    1. I swear like a trucker but if you are in need I’m the one you can call at any hour! I have to balance the devils on my shoulders.
      and- btw, I’d have put money on you being the first responder 😉


  1. I have a good friend who is elderly and handicapped who I spend one day a week or more driving to appointments, shopping, and going to our 12-step meetings. Being with her is important to me. She makes me feel grounded and gives insights into human behaviors that really help me figure out my world. She is very spiritual, which draws me to her. So, while I am supposedly helping her, she is actually helping me.


  2. Congratulations on 50th post!!
    Great suggestions to make a difference with your small gestures. I am already on to “Clean out your closet and donate professional clothes to a local charity ” I’ll try to add more this year. Especially helping elderly.


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